One day, years ago, I was working in my home office and I heard God’s still small voice whisper to me, “Get up and make cornbread muffins for Larry and take them to him.” I was busy with my work and argued, “But Lord, not now, I am so busy.” A few minutes later, the voice spoke again, “Tina, get up and make cornbread muffins for Larry and take them to him NOW!” Again I argued, “Lord, I don’t have all the ingredients and will have to go to the store.” Silence.
By this time in my Christian walk I knew enough not to argue with “The Voice” anymore; I got up, went to the store and came back to make the muffins. As I was getting the cornbread ready to go into the oven, I began thinking about Larry and wondering why God would ask me to do this, and why do it at this particular time.
Larry’s heart was kind; he was always there when someone needed help. All of us neighbors loved when it was Fish Taco Night at Larry’s house! He made a mean fish taco and welcomed everyone in to eat. But, Larry had a sad side, too. He was a couple of years out of a failed marriage, was estranged from his 20-year old daughter and his fishing rod and reel business had taken a downturn. He hid the sadness from everyone for the most part. As the muffins baked, I began to pray for Larry. I asked the Lord to bring him comfort and show him that, despite the problems he faced, his future could be bright.
Once out of the oven, I put the muffins in a basket and went next door to Larry’s. I knocked a couple of times and there was no answer. I was getting pretty fed up. “God! Why did You tell me to make these if he wasn’t even home?” I turned around to leave, but sensed I should knock one last time. I pounded on the door this time.
The door opened a crack. I could see Larry, tears streaming down his face, with a shotgun in his hand. It was clear that he had been sitting there ready to take his life. He said, “Tina, I just asked God, ‘please, if You are real, help me!’” He was more distraught about his life than anyone could have known. But, of course, God knew.
Long story short, we were able to talk and get him some help; he is a very happy man to this day. He called me “My Angel” from that day forward. However, we all know I was not an angel; I was just obedient to the still small voice.
Granted, not all situations are as life threatening, but we so very much need His direction in every area of our lives. 1 Kings 19:11-12 shows us that God can speak to us in large and boisterous ways, but usually He chooses to speak to us through His Spirit in a “still small voice”. That is why it is imperative we spend quiet time alone with Him to be able to hear that voice and to know it is His. This voice will guide us in all matters, big and small, if we are wise enough to hearken to it.
I urge you today to listen for His voice – and obey it when you do. The rewards are incredibly worth it! Who knows? Maybe it will save someone’s life, literally.
Keep the faith!