“I tell the good news of victory to the people in the great assembly. And, Lord, You know that I will never stop telling that GOOD news. I tell about the good things You do. I do not hide these things in my heart. I speak of how You can be trusted. I do not hide Your love and loyalty from these people.” – Psalm 40:9-10
My mission in life is to tell people that He is a good God. Tradition and religion teach that God brings sickness and poverty, tests and trials to people to teach them lessons, punish them or (worse) to draw them close to Him. BLASPHEMY! My biggest desire in life is to counter this teaching that condemns God and goes so counter to His Word.
The bible says that God’s own people (Christians) “perish for lack of knowledge” – Hosea 4:6 Because of this prevalent teaching and tradition, God’s kids attribute bad things to God instead of to the perpetrator of the evil, the devil himself. They end up perishing (unnecessarily suffering) because they are ignorant of what God really says.
Jesus said, “The thief’s purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life.” – John 10:10
Illness, trauma, terror, theft, accidents, poverty and all bad things are from the enemy, NOT from God! We have an enemy who wants nothing more than to destroy us. What better way to derail us than by tricking us into thinking God brings bad things into our lives?
“Whatever is good and perfect is a gift coming down to us from God our Father, who created all the lights in the heavens. He never changes!” – James 1:17
Erroneous understanding of the sovereignty of God goes along with this destructive teaching that He brings evil to His children. God IS indeed sovereign, meaning He is King, royalty and righteous. But He is not a “que será, será; what will be, will be” God. He gave us free will and does not control every little thing that happens. His Word tells us what His will is. It is up to us to learn what it says and to obey what we learn. When we do, we are promised that the Lord will protect us, provide for us, bless us and keep us. It is only when we step out from under the protection of His Word – by disobedience, unbelief, doubt and ignorance – that the enemy has a point of entry to bring his malicious attacks.
God says, “How horrible it will be for those who call evil good and good evil, who turn darkness into light and light into darkness, who turn what is bitter into something sweet and what is sweet into something bitter.” – Isaiah 5:20
Will you please help me spread that word that GOD IS GOOD?
Keep the faith!